Level 3 - Understanding Competence Assessment
For those who need to know about the competence assessment process but do not, actually, carry out assessments.
Attendance at a 1-day introductory workshop: An introduction to what competence assessment is and why it needs to happen in the context of competence management of safety-critical roles. Assessment methodologies and approaches are explained and the delegate will gain a good knowledge and understanding of the assessment process on their railway.
An externally accredited certificate is awarded upon completion of the workshop and associated exercises.
Level 3 - Undertaking Competence Assessment
For those who need to know and understand about the competence assessment process and are responsible for carrying out competence assessments on their railway. Attendance at a 1-day introductory workshop: An introduction to what competence assessment is and why it needs to happen in the context of competence management of safety-critical roles. Assessment methodologies and approaches are explained and the delegate will gain a good knowledge and understanding of the assessment process on their railway. A plan for observered assessment will be agreed with the delegate at this workshop.
A dedicated 1-day (1-1) observation day: An observation day will be agreed to allow the delegate to be observed conducting 4 competence assessments. This will generate the necessary evidence to complete the assessor award.
An externally accredited certificate is awarded upon completion of the workshop, associated exercises, assessment observation day and associated evidence requirements.
Level 4 - Understanding Internal Quality Assurance of Competence Assessment
For those who need to know about the internal quality assurance of the competence assessment process but do not, actually, carry out assessments or quality assurance roles.
Attendance at a 1-day introductory workshop: An introduction to what the internal quality assurance of competence assessment is and why it needs to happen in the context of competence management of safety-critical roles. Assessment and Quality Assurance methodologies and approaches are explained and the delegate will gain a good knowledge and understanding of quality assurance and assessment processes on their railway.
An externally accredited certificate is awarded upon completion of the workshop and associated exercises.
Level 4 - Undertaking the Internal Quality Assurance of Competence Assessment
For those who need to know and understand about the internal quality assurance of the competence assessment process and are responsible for carrying out internal quality assurance checks of competence assessments on their railway.
Attendance at a 1-day introductory workshop: An introduction to what the internal quality assurance of competence assessment is and why it needs to happen in the context of competence management of safety-critical roles. Assessment and Quality Assurance methodologies and approaches are explained and the delegate will gain a good knowledge and understanding of quality assurance and assessment processes on their railway. A plan for observed quality assurance of the assessment process will be agreed with the delegate at this workshop.
A dedicated 1-day (1-1) observation day: An observation day will be agreed to allow the delegate to be observed quality assuring competence assessments. This will generate the necessary evidence to complete the internal quality assurance award.
An externally accredited certificate is awarded upon completion of the workshop, associated exercises, quality assurance observation day and associated evidence requirements.
Level 4 - Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Competence Assessment
For those who need to know and understand about the internal quality assurance of the competence assessment process and are responsible for leading the internal quality assurance process on their railway.
Attendance at a 1-day introductory workshop: An introduction to what the internal quality assurance of competence assessment is and why it needs to happen in the context of competence management of safety-critical roles. Assessment and Quality Assurance methodologies and approaches are explained and the delegate will gain a good knowledge and understanding of quality assurance and assessment processes on their railway. A plan for observed quality assurance of the assessment process will be agreed with the delegate at this workshop, along with a plan of how evidence of leading the quality assurance process will be generated.
A dedicated 1-day (1-1) observation day: An observation day will be agreed to allow the delegate to be observed quality assuring competence assessments and to explain their role in leading the internal quality assurance process on their railway. This will generate the necessary evidence to complete the lead internal quality assurance award.
An externally accredited certificate is awarded upon completion of the workshop, associated exercises, quality assurance observation day and associated evidence requirements.
Developing Operational Standards
: Defined consultant support to help develop bespoke operational competence standards that reflect the knowledge, understanding and skill requirements of safety-critical roles within your railway. These operational standards will be designed to form the benchmark for competence assessment. Standards can be designed to reflect both technical and non-technical skills.
Developing a Competence Management System
: Defined consultant support to help develop a bespoke competence management system to support the competence assessment of safety-critical roles within your railway. This system will be designed to meet current legislative and operational railway way requirements, including the requirements of ROGS. It will include competence standards and an internal quality assurance strategy.
Human Factors in Competence Assessment & Non-Technical Skills
: Defined consultant support to recognise the important human- factor issues and non-technical skills associated with competence management of safety-critical roles on the railway. Aimed at targeted reductions in human-related accidents and incidents and the underpinning of technical knowledge, understanding and skill in safety-critical roles.